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Assembling the First Pieces

Updated: Apr 1

As the progress of creating this life sized statue continues, we've reached the moment of assembling the first layer. This phase is not just about putting pieces together; it's a meticulous process of ensuring durability, precision, and aesthetics. Here, I'll talk briefly about the materials, methods, and reflections that have shaped this crucial step.

The Bond That Holds: Choosing the Right Adhesive

For the initial bonding, I turned to thick CNA glue. Its rapid setting time and strong bond provided the foundation we needed to start assembling the statue. However, knowing the long-term demands on the structure, I didn't stop there. After completing the first layer, I reinforced the joints from the inside with epoxy resin and fiberglass strips, creating a robust framework that’s built to last.

Preparing for Perfection

Each print required meticulous preparation before assembly. Removing any residual raft material and addressing deformations, like "elephant foot", was essential for a clean, flush fit. This prep work ensured that each piece was ready to join its counterpart in forming the first layer of our creation.

A Straightforward, Yet Critical Process

The gluing process, though straightforward, demanded precision. The ample surface area of each edge of the pieces allowed for a generous application of CNA glue, complemented by an accelerant to expedite the bonding. The pieces’ thickness prevented deformation, ensuring they melded together seamlessly. Within minutes, the CNA glue set enough for the pieces to be handled, moving us swiftly to the next stage without the need for clamps.

Fortifying the Foundation

The initial bond, while strong, was only the beginning. For long-term stability and durability, I introduced West Systems epoxy and 6oz fiberglass cloth to the equation. The epoxy not only solidified the bond but, when mixed with microballoons, began filling gaps, enhancing strength and beginning the process of fairing and smoothing.

Reflections and Innovations

This first assembly taught me the importance of balancing immediate strength with enduring stability. The CNA glue’s quick setting time was invaluable, yet its brittleness necessitated the additional step of reinforcing with epoxy and fiberglass. Exploring gap-filling techniques, such as using epoxy thickened with microballoons, provided both a functional and efficient use of materials.

A Promising Technique

Experimenting with wood filler thinned with acetone proved to be a promising method for smoothing out layer lines and filling joints. Following this up with a coating of penetrating epoxy not only improved the surface finish but also promised enhanced durability. I am curious how this will work for larger surfaces—an approach I plan to refine and expand upon in subsequent layers.

Looking Ahead

The journey of assembling this statue is a constant learning curve, pushing the boundaries of 3D printing and model assembly. As I prepare for the next layers, introducing alignment plates will add another layer of strength and precision, ensuring each piece not only fits perfectly but also contributes to the overall integrity of the statue.

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